Monday, 13 August 2012

Jessie J Vitaminwater Gig

I went to a free Jessie J gig at Camden’s Roundhouse. Everyone was talking about her transformation. I thought she looked amazing but perhaps now a little similar to some other pop acts out there? It seemed the length of her new hair was bothering her and sure enough, a good few inches had been chopped off by the time the Closing Ceremony came around last Sunday. If I had legs like that I’d be rocking a mini dress too; I loved that she paired it with neon trainers and made it work. For girls who are chunkier of leg, shorts skirts with flats are a thing of dreams.
Fashion aside, the gig was fantastic fun and was not, as we had expected, packed full of Tweenies. There were lots of adults to play air guitar with. And that we did! I think Jessie J has an undisputedly amazing vocal range and think her star is still in the ascent. 

1 comment:

girlinthelens said...

Yeah I miss her unique style! It's fun to change it up but like you said she's blending in with the other pop girls now ... x