I'm 24 now and feel it might be time to face reality a bit more squarely in the face: I am not somebody who is wealthy enough to wear such a shoe. If I could get a taxi/limo to parties, then fine. I would wear away with wild abandon but, as it goes, it's tubes, trains and buses a-go-go at the mo-mo. What to do? I'd love to go on holiday but can't as keep spending my hard-earned pennies on frivolous things such as Floyd. Should I E-bay and head for the sun? Should I continue living the dream, desperately hoping that someone will eventually send a fantastically glossy car to get me from A to B?
I need to wear these shoes but my own damn guilt won't let me! They weren't even that expensive - £215 marked down from £430 (I also go a little discount on top of this, I'm not at liberty to explain why). Victoria Beckham can buy shoes like this whenever she wants so WHY CAN'T I?! I think (through this therapeutic tirade) I have managed to answer my own question. I will set up a Pay Pal account tomorrow. Probably...
Also, can I honestly, regret-free sell my black Chloé Paddington (see photo below)? I love it a bit less now, finding the padlock cumbersome at best and, apparently (according to Grazia), they're fetching quite the price at the moment (as they can no longer be purchased from Chloé). Answers on a postcard/comment box - please readers, talk some sense into me!