Monday, 16 February 2009

Amazing Baby, Little Boots and Mystery Jets at Shepherd's Bush Empire

I went to see a great line-up last Friday and finally got the chance to see Little Boots (a.k.a Victoria Hesketh) perform to, erm, boot.

After Amazing Baby had warmed-up the young crowd, Little Boots made her entrance and the sparks really began to fly. Many Kylie comparisons have been drawn and yes, vocally the similarities are there. Performance-wise (although her renditions stirred) there is still some work to be done before her success reaches the Australian Popstrel’s peak standard. The potential is there and goodness knows we need a fresh face to shake things up a bit. I remember reading an interview in the Observer Magazine with Little Boots and being impressed with her apparent assertiveness and her unwillingness to ‘only sing songs about love.’ Magic and unicorns are more inspirational to the artist and this fresh outlook combined with songs like ‘Stuck on Repeat’ (la la la, la la la la la…la la la la la la la la, I just can’t get you…) and the brilliant ‘Mathematics’ are sure to catapult her to infinity and well beyond.

I have listened to Mystery Jets’ last album ‘Twenty One’ so many times-my favourite tracks are ‘Young Love’ (for which Laura Marling made a special appearance), the anthemic ‘Flakes’ and the rousing ‘2 Doors Down.’ All of these were performed with true aplomb and there wasn’t a single song I felt I could miss by going to the toilet or the bar. This is one of the major litmus tests of a good gig in my opinion.

Amazing Baby

Little Boots takes a break after her performance to watch the Mystery Jets

Mystery Jets

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